We offer free medical services and ministries for those in need

Contact us with any questions or comments!

We are CCFM

We are a team of volunteer medical professionals made up of MDs, nurse practitioners, physician assistance, RNs, and other medical professionals providing care to the community on a daily basis and volunteering to perform these health screenings to everyone at least every three months via churches in Sander’s County.

Certified Professionals

All volunteers at Costner Care Family Ministries are professionally certified to serve!

A Focus on Faith

We are a Christian non-profit honoring God!

Serving The Public

We've been serving people just like you since 2022.

10 +
Active Certifications
1 +
Volunteering professionals

We love to answer your questions and help you through any trials you're going through!

Events Calendar

Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.

Matthew 25:40